From Legacy to Web
Forecross Corporation is a leading authority on the development and use of automated legacy modernization software and services for Enterprise computing.
Our legacy-to-web solutions protect the value of existing applications, leverage the business intelligence those applications contain, and promote their evolution to future-ready platforms and technologies. For example, we can help you with your conversion of:
- IDMS-DB to DB2, IDMS-DB to SQL, IDMS-DB to Oracle, or IDMS-DB to just about any other relational database
- VSAM to ANSI standard SQL environments including DB2, Oracle, or MS SQL Server
- ADS/O, CSP, COBOL or PL/I to C# .NET, VB .NET, IBM EGL (Java), or .NET COBOL
Forecross clients include Fortune 500 companies in industries such as banking, finance, publishing and higher education, as well as government agencies, in the United States and worldwide.
Thank you for visiting the Forecross Corporation website. Please let us know how we can help you make your legacy applications future ready.